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powell, wyoming, ulrasound, sonogram, baby 3d

Schedule Your Appointment

First Choice Imaging accepts same day appointments. Your ultrasound images will be read by our board certified radiologist and the report is sent to your referring physician/healthcare provider. Please use the short form below to contact us and someone will call you back. 


powell, reception, wyoming, ultrasound, sonogra
About Our Office

First Choice Imaging offers a full range of sonographic examinations and procedures by highly experienced, registered diagnostic medical sonographers.


All exams are interpreted by Dr. Jeffrey Zuckerman, M.D.

Sonographer: Jael A. Fisher, RT (R), (M), (CT), RDMS

Medical Receptionist: LuDeanne Guenther


Does First Choice Imaging accept walk-ins?


Sorry, appointments are required. Call us at 307-764-2322 to schedule an ultrasound appointment. We accept same day appointments. Your ultrasound images will be read by our board certified radiologist and the report will be sent to your referring physician/healthcare provider.


powell, wyoming, ultrasound, 1st, first, choice, imaging, baby, sonogram

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